Routeros version 7
Routeros version 7

Ssl_verify and ssl_verify_hostname are provided.Į.g. Ssl_context parameter, but for typical use-cases with self-signed certificates, the shorthand options of The most flexible way to modify SSL parameters is to provide an SSL Context object using the This will automatically verify SSL certificate and hostname. RouterOsApiPool ( '', username = 'admin', password = '', use_ssl = True ) If we want to use SSL, we can simply specify use_ssl as True: connection = routeros_api.

  • ssl_context - Object - Pass in a custom SSL context object.
  • ssl_verify_hostname - Boolean - Verify the SSL certificate hostname matches? - Default True.
  • ssl_verify - Boolean - Verify the SSL certificate? - Default True.
  • use_ssl - Boolean - Use SSL or not? - Default False.
  • plaintext_login - Boolean - Try plaintext login (for RouterOS 6.43 onwards) - Default False.
  • port - Integer - TCP Port for API - Default 8728 or 8729 when using SSL.
  • routeros version 7

    password - String - Login password - Default empty string.

    routeros version 7

    username - String - Login username - Default 'admin'.host - String - Hostname or IP of device.RouterOsApiPool ( host, username = 'admin', password = '', port = 8728, use_ssl = False, ssl_verify = True, ssl_verify_hostname = True, ssl_context = None, ) RouterOsApiPool ( 'IP', username = 'admin', password = '' ) api = connection. Usage Connection #!/usr/bin/python import routeros_api connection = routeros_api. Python API to RouterBoard devices produced by MikroTik.

    Routeros version 7